Friday, November 28, 2008

My Point Exactly.

My Point Exactly.

Please see my last post also. . .

A mob of people desperate to get into Wal-Mart trample a worker to death as he waits to unlocks the door at 5am. Other employees try to rescue him, the mob continues pouring into the store. Even as police try to do CPR, the crowd doesn't relent and pushes and shoves the officers all in the interest of getting inside. These animals tore down the front doors of a store. Makes me think of those horror movies where the salivating crowd of undead tears down a building to eat at the sweet sweet brains inside.

Maybe a pack of dogs, did i already use that analogy?

Other parts of the world, people get trampled when crowds run from danger or towards safety. North America?, The desire to shop,literally, drives us to murder. . ..Happy Holidays!

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