Friday, October 24, 2008

So since i took up reading. . .

Well, i'm no scientologist (that's a smart person word for scientist right), but i've been spouting off about how fantastic irradiation is for years. Irradiation: its the process they've used to keep that super bacon edible for months in your cupboard, and its very similar to how the meat in your can of ravioli stays safe. Basically, either cook the shit out of something or hit it with radiation, and then immediately throw it into a perfectly sealed container. If there is absolutely no bacteria in the packaged food, then there is no possibility of bacteria growing and making people sick.

I started thinking, I'll bet there are further applications for a devise that reliably wipes out all living organisms within a certain space.

Well the laundromat first off, who isn't grossed out by the idea of billions of parasites living in your pillows and blankets. Throw a pillow in the $5 irradiator machine, and it comes out parasite free (give it a fluff to knock out the dead bodies). Pool size- the irradiation blanket. No more need for chlorine. House size- ultimate exterminator, nothing alive in your house. No bugs, no rodents, no parasites- nothing. (Find a sitter for the pets). Jean Luc Picard almost died when his enterprise went through a similar devise. They didn't call it irradiation though, some type of shmackmalan ray or something. . ..

Last night at work that raw milk farmer from the papers made a speech. The man has been charged for selling unpasteurized milk. Defiantly, immediately following his court appearance, he drank milk outside the courthouse- pretty damn cool. He's totally in league with the wrong crowd though, supported by the same people who push for more organics and natural foods. Problem is, milk doesn't work that way, yuppies can't just go out and drink unpasteurized milk. Unless you've always been drinking it, its probably gonna make you really sick.

But here's the thing creepier than the bugs in your pillow. People drank unpasteurized milk for thousands of years, so why can't we handle it? or why can't we drink the water when traveling, yet the locals can? and why do antibiotics slowly stop working? All this sterilizing is making us weaker.

Remember War of the Worlds? The aliens die from all the parasites on earth- we're completely wallowing in bacteria and parasites constantly. It's essential that we keep our bodies equipped to deal with them because we are never going to completely wipe them out. I suppose we could try to irradiate the planet, but that may prove problematic. The best idea is you give yourself a measured dose of something bad and your body will be ready to deal with an accidental dose later from nature. Its the same reason vaccinations work.

So go live in filth.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Food Supply

In the old days John raised cows, Joe grew wheat and Jennifer fished: individuals produced food and traded it.

Our supply of food has been whittled down to fewer and fewer sources. The grocery stores have amalgamated into 2-3 giant companies. Farms have been sewn together to form massive food machines. Even the struggling independant variety store owner is forced to get many of his supplies from costco and walmart. Naturally big companies are merging in many industries. Its an effective way to both eliminate the competition and create a larger, more capable, organization.

Food is now produced more efficiently, with the cost savings carried down to the shareholder.

The most obvious problem with this is the question of what happens when something goes wrong? Take a huge place like Maple Leaf. One production source has an outbreak of deadly virus, it affects a massive slice of the population. What choice have we got when ML is the only brand Blahblahs and such will carry? If John spit in the milk in the old days only a couple families may have been affected.

You've also got to wonder, in these days of credit crunch and greedy people essentially investing more money than there is available; what happens if one of the masters of our food supply up and collapses one day? It happens. Banks and insurance companies can bankrupt out from under people's feet, why not grocers? Let's suppose the next generation of Westons run blahblas into the ground and loose out to walmart and sobeys. Some poor investments that sink them fast, but they keep it a secret for the most part. One day they just announce: the ships going down, we're calling this company bankrupt. They escape to their yachts to sulk. Now again, if joe the farmer dies, well its tragic, but he's just one guy- its the kind of blip in the supply chain that we can easily overcome without problems. If we get all our food from 3 sources and one goes down, is the transition to 2 sources going to be seamless, do we want it to be?

The biggest worry though, is what happens if something big goes wrong. What if there is a major disaster that cripples our network of supplies. Which system do you think is better equipped? A merged food supply relies on central control to keep production and distribution happening. In the old days communities had most of what they needed to survive locally, today most communities don't even produce food- or they produce one kind but depend on (feed/seed) externally.

One day something bad will happen, its regrettably inevitable, meanwhile our eggs are being put into fewer and fewer baskets.

What can you do? Nothing, you have to eat. You will keep feeding these corporate beasts because you have no choice. Hey, by the time this all actually brings about the ruin of civilization we will probably be long gone, so really its a win win situation.


ok so i keep forgetting to post here too, heres the last few bloggerings i did over up on that there spacebook:

Friday, October 17, 2008


so i also thought you should check out this party that ran in BC.

Basically, people in Europe don’t put up with this 45-60 workweek BS we have to put up with. A 32 hour workweek is common elsewhere. Less work means less stress, better families and less environmental destruction. The powers that be will try and tell you that we need to work more to maintain a competitive level of productivity. But lets be honest, many people are producing things that humanity doesn’t need in mass quantities. “Productivity” is only for the purposes of making the rich richer by keeping us poor busy.

Last night the woman working the till in Tim Hortons had a freak out. First she angrily threw stuff around complaining about her working conditions while making our order. By the end of it the poor woman was crying her eyes out (the line continued to form behind us). All the while there is a poster of well paid models in Tim’s uniforms above her stating “the job that fits your life”. Whenever there is a franchise based mass murder suicide the news asks: its a mystery how someone could be driven to this type of action. If the rich wern’t trying to constantly fuck us, and let us see our families more often, people would less frequently go crazy- its quite simple actually.

Friday, October 17, 2008


All that buildup and i didn’t even post my opinion on the election outcome yet. Uh, ‘pointless’ says it best. Same government, only $200 million poorer.
Harper got greedy, thought he could win a majority. @ of the popular vote generally equals a majority in Canada, our electoral system sucks. My vote counted for jack shit since my mp didn’t win this riding (unfortunately this is the case for most Canadian voters).

A few highlights from Fairvote Canada:

The chief victims of the October 14 federal election were:

- Green Party: 940,000 voters supporting the Green Party sent no one to
Parliament, setting a new record for the most votes cast for any party that
gained no parliamentary representation. By comparison, 813,000
Conservative voters in Alberta alone were able to elect 27 MPs.

- Prairie Liberals and New Democrats: In the prairie provinces, Conservatives
received roughly twice the vote of the Liberals and NDP, but took seven times
as many seats.

- Urban Conservatives: Similar to the last election, a quarter-million
Conservative voters in Toronto elected no one and neither did Conservative
voters in Montreal.

- New Democrats: The NDP attracted 1.1 million more votes than the Bloc, but
the voting system gave the Bloc 50 seats, the NDP 37.

“How can anyone consider this democratic representation?” asked Barbara
Odenwald, President of Fair Vote Canada.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Mac’s are useless

so i bought yet another new mp3 player. put 4 songs on it and listened to them while i did dishes. Today getting ready for work, i wanted to put more music on the player. Of course now the player is write protected, cannot be formatted (not sure if mac users know what that means) and no new files can be added or removed. All in the interest of protecting me from something i guess? When i drag them to the trash can, it makes a fucking copy of them into the trashcan. Why would that programming even exist? There is NO situation where you would want to copy files into the trash, this thing is completely stupid.

and the automated features are terrific, they now auto detect my monitor for me everytime i start the computer. Well, it detects it wrong, but at least this feature is working. I now have to attach the mac to my pc monitor, so that it redetects, change the display options and re-attach to the mac. It takes about 20 tries but eventually im back in business.

gotta love this system
i wish i was dead

Better get used to those 4 songs.